MNN Community Media Video Blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cambridge Community Television produced a PSA about keeping the internet open.
you can watch it here

Friday, May 26, 2006

Day of Out(r)age

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On May 24th many cities around the country decided to show their outrage to the greedy telecoms such as AT&T, Verizon, Bell South and Qwest. These companies are spending $1million dollars a week to buy votes in congress for their deregulatory legislation known as the COPE bill. COPE, which stands for Communications Opportunity Protection and Enchancement claims to offer more choices and more competion, but will in fact endager Public Access centers around the country. Public Educational and Government Channels around the nation - known as PEG - receive their money from negotiations with the city and cable companies. These negotiations are known as a franchise agreement. These franchise agreements occur on a local level and what Verizon and these other telcos are trying to do - is get rid of the local franchises and have one big national franchise; thus taking away local control. It's also like saying that Manhattan, Kansas has the same needs as Manhattan, New York - we all know that's just not the case. COPE also threaten to red-lin media services in low income, rural and minority communites. What's redline? That means that telcos can cherry pick which communities they will provide service to; therefore, communities they deem unprofitable will not get service. Local cities have expressed their opposition to this bill - now it's time for the public to stop this phone company backed legislation - and demand accountability to local communites and the public interest. For more information please go to Thanks to Jen Wager for editing this movie. This is a Spanish vlog - the English one will uploaded sometime in the next few days.

Monday, May 22, 2006

NYC City Council vote on resolution 0136

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The New York City Council voted on May 10th to "Keep it Local." The full Council unanimously called on the U.S. Congress NOT to pass the draconian new telecom bill that seeks to strip local municipalities of their authority over cable franchising and to limit funding and channel capacity for Public, Educational and Government (PEG) stations.

This is a HUGE victory and sends a powerful message in support of community media and local democracy all across the country!!

The day started off in the Land Use Committee chaired by Melinda Katz of Queens. There, members voted 21-0 in support of Resolution 136 with twoStaten Island Republicans abstaining. MNN then organized a very well attended press conference on the steps of City Hall. Five City Council members from three Boroughs spoke as did reps from several community-based groups and other Public Access centers.
The full City Council then met later in the afternoon and voted out the resolution, by a vote of 50-0.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Attack on Immigrants

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In the last few months, Congress has escalated its attack on immigrants, introducing a number of bills in the name of cracking down on illegal immigrants and "the war on terrorism." Congress is preparing to overhaul the nation's immigration laws that would impact 11 million undocumented immigrants living in this country. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved and immigration bill, known as the temporary guest worker program, and it apperar to allow undocumented immigrants living in this country, a chance to work here legally, but restrictions seem so strong that it's not clear that any of the 11 million people here currently would be able to benefit and gain citizenship. But if passed, this law would not protect the rights of immigrant workers, provide a path to citizenship or allow a realistic path for future flow of immigrants.
Millions of individuals have protested the legislation, claiming that it could break up families and result in mass deportation. Thousands have taken to the streets across the country in the past month. Their leaders have called for Congress to pass a bill that allows individuals currently not authorized to be present in the country to receive legal status.
Strategically, the protest have exposed the true nature of the immigration debatye, which is far more cultural and racial than our economic arguments have accounted for. A New America Media poll reveals that the vast majority of legal immigrants are alarmed by the racism embedded int he debate. It's showing us that we have to talk about race becasue thatis what the police debate - and the reality of peoples' lives - is really about.