MNN Community Media Video Blog

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Great Walk in Solidarity with Immigrants

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As many of you may know thousands of people gathered in downtown Brooklyn to protest the newly passed bill H.R. 4437 making it a felony to be in the US without the correct paperwork. This bill also makes it a felony to help, shield or offer support to illegal immigrants. And yes, this includes many non-profit organizations as well as  religious organizations across the country that run a vast network of social service programs offering food and emergency shelter, child care, aid to immigrants and refugees, counseling services, and job training.

How can a country that was founded by immigrants turn their backs on the people that so willingly give so much of of their blood, sweat and tears to work in this country?

Well, It's time to stand up and show the US what the country will truly be like without us.

May 1st will be the DAY WITHOUT LATINOS
Wear white Tuesday!!!!!!!

If HR 4437 is passed:
1. No school or work on May 1st: Tell everyone you know not to attend school or go in to work. The movie "A Day Without a Mexican" will become real.  All Latinos have to work together to make this happen to prove to everyone that the U.S. is NOTHING without us.

2. On May 1st don't even go into the streets! don't buy ANYTHING! Stay at home and kick it. watch the U.S. struggle without us.

May 1st will be the day the government  loses tons of money and realizes who really runs this country. No Dunkin Donuts, Mc Donalds, Burger King,
Starbucks, Sears, Crispy cream, Walmart, seven-eleven etc.